As a precaution in regards to COVID-19, JCA has postponed their Friday and Saturday performances of "Mamma Mia" until a later date.
CANCELED – FREE! Improv Uncorked
Expect the unexpected...and wash your hands. To help prevent the spread of CV-19, this event has been canceled. ABOUT THE EVENT: Improv theatre will tickle your feathers and ruffle your bones with the improv troupe We've Said Worse . Who knows what can happen, especially with the audience's help! Actors on stage take ideas and
CANCELED Providence HS Spring Musical
Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park & Theatre 201 Jefferson St, Joliet, IL, United StatesApril 2-5 – Spring Musical by Providence High School – 815-717-3323 (Th, Fr & Sa 7 pm / Sa 1 pm/ Su 3 pm, $9)
CANCELED “Yankee Tavern” by Latitude 41°
Due to the pandemic's restrictions, this event has been canceled. We look forward to seeing you later in the year! April 24-26 & May 1-3 – “Yankee Tavern” by Latitude 41° – 331-725-2841 (F, Sa 7:30 pm, Su 2 pm, $13 adv/ $15 door)
“Something Rotten!” Auditions THANK YOU
Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park & Theatre 201 Jefferson St, Joliet, IL, United StatesUPDATE: A big THANK YOU to all who sent in video auditions! Unfortunately, due to the extended stay-at-home order, we will not be able to present "Something Rotten" at this time. We know, real-life rotten. Upside, we're already looking into it for next year. Until then, we have an idea! We found a show perfect