We’re excited to be going ahead! There will be some changes due to Covid -19 protocols.
It will begin June 22 and ends July 19. First, it will be outside. The registration form and payment in full must be turned into the office before the start of camp. The form is available on the website and upon email request. Walk-ins will not be accepted this year. Enrollment will be limited to 50. Cost is $275 for 11 years and older (9:00 am-2:00 pm); $200 for 10 years to 8 years (12:00-2:00 pm). Preference will be given to those going into their senior year of high school. Each camp attendee will be placed in a group of 10. Attendees will stay in this group for the entire camp. This summer’s show is “High School Musical.” Camp will meet Monday through Thursday for the first three weeks, and Monday through Friday for the fourth week.
Social distancing protocols will be in effect. Each person is required to have a face mask and bring their own water. No flip-flops allowed. Everyone will remain six feet apart. This will make for some creative blocking and choreography. It will also be essential that camp attendees be able to remain socially distant and have no physical contact with anyone outside of their family. Parents will not be allowed to stay with children during camp. (Though we may have some volunteer opportunities.) All participants will be monitored for any Covid-19 symptoms. CDC, State of Illinois and City of Joliet guidelines will be followed.